Yosemite Mountaineering School Guided Hikes

Yosemite Mountaineering School Guided Hikes

Guided Custom Hikes

This is a great option for someone looking for a personalized experience as you will opt for a private hiking guide to create an itinerary based on your abilities and interests. The half or full day excursion can be customized to your liking whether you prefer a leisurely stroll, a challenging uphill trek, or anything in between.

Guided Group Hikes

For anyone with various experience levels starting from ages 12 and up, these half Day and full day group hikes are fantastic choices. Choose from the iconic routes like the El Capitan Loop, the Nevada Fall, and Discovery Hikes. Your guide will review this ahead of time with you, but some recommended items to pack for these hikes include a small backpack, two liters of water, snacks, lunch, sun protection and extra layers.

Guided Half Dome

For the exceptionally experienced hikers seeking a challenge, this is an amazing option to conquer the summit of Half Dome. This demanding hike gains 4,800 feet in elevation and is 12 hours long round trip. Let our guides who live and work in Yosemite every day assist you to get to the top safely. It’s important to note that this hike requires a permit from the National Park Service and that YMS does not administer them. For more information on how to obtain the permit, check out this link - Half Dome Permits for Day Hikers - Yosemite National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov).

Guided Backpack Trips

This is the best option for someone looking to do an overnight hiking adventure! Our guides will make sure you pack everything you need from your tent supplies, food, water and clothing; A list of all the essentials is provided on our website. Some trip destinations include Cathedral Lake, Glen Aulin, May Lake, etc. You can check out more information on our website listed under Backpacking to see what will be required of you.

Self-Guided Hikes

Ideal for those who enjoy being alone or independent, our self-guided hikes can be found here .What sets YMS apart besides its long-lasting history at Yosemite, is the dedication from our guides. They undergo rigorous training, continually study the valley’s wildlife and terrain, and prioritize your safety and enjoyment throughout every excursion. Join us at YMS for the hiking adventure you won’t forget! To make your Hiking reservation use the “Plan your trip Now” box at the top of the page, or call 209-372-8344