Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

We Define Sustainability in our operations at Yosemite National Park as...

"The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

We have a deep respect for and commitment to the environment. With our unique location within iconic Yosemite National Park, we recognize the need to protect this rare environment where we live, work and play. We also understand that sustainability is an ever evolving practice and is not a destination. 

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Our Environmental Partners

There are no longer any single use plastic bottles available for sale within Yosemite National Park. We are proud to have switched to offering only aluminum or glass options at all of our locations.

A program where soap and left-over amenities are recycled and reused providing communities in many countries the basic tools for hygiene and the potential to decrease preventable diseases such as typhoid and dysentery.

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The Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program helps consumers and businesses choose seafood that's fished or farmed in ways that protect sea life and habitats, now and for future generations. Our recommendations indicate which seafood items are "Best Choices" or "Good Alternatives," and which ones you should "Avoid."

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Zero Landfill. From becoming America's first Zero-Landfill auto maker, with all waste recycled or reused, to our current National Park Zero-Landfill initiative.


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Many of our products offered in the gift shop are made in the USA and we also offer products made from recycled material.

Our Efforts

Our Awards

We are proud to have received the following recognition's

  • Registered National Historic Landmarks: The Ahwahnee, Wawona Hotel
  • TripAdvisor GreenLeader


Increasing procurement of local, seasonal and responsibly sourced products.

  • Installing kiosks at food service facilities where guests can learn about the sourcing of our food products.
  • Bringing each new chef at Yosemite to a local farm to understand the entire growth to harvest process.
  • Partnering with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program and only purchasing fish from the green, or occasionally the yellow list.
  • Sourcing only RBsT hormone free dairy products and cage-free eggs.
  • Serving certified organic meats, eggs and dairy whenever possible and when it is cost effective
Environmental Sustainability at Asilomar

How can I help?

Many locally produced goods and edibles are available for purchase in our retail stores – consider purchasing these as excellent mementos of your trip.


Controlling our energy usage.

  • Utilizing occupancy sensors to control power use.
  • Converting lighting to LED efficient systems.
  • Turning off meeting room lights, HVAC, and power when the room is not in use.
Environmental Sustainability at Asilomar

How can I help?

Be sure to turn off all electrical devices when not using.


Saving each drop.

  • Providing water bottle filling stations for our guests.
  • Utilizing low-flow fixtures.
  • Offering an ‘opt-out’ linen conservation program.
  • Watering the golf course with a water obtained from a water recycling system.
Environmental Sustainability at Asilomar

How can I help?

As a guest, please use only the water you need when showering or using the sink. Reuse your towels by hanging up after use to reduce linen laundry.


Waste is minimized throughout our operations.

  • Recycling 30 different types of materials across the park.
  • Removing plastic bags from the waste stream by switching to compostable bags.
  • Not purchasing Styrofoam for food and beverage containers.
  • Only purchasing food and beverage disposable containers that meet ASTM D6400 standards for composability.
  • Working with suppliers to minimize all shipping packaging where possible and to utilize bulk containers when feasible.
  • Providing collection containers and bins for guests to place compostables and recyclables in.
Environmental Sustainability at Asilomar

How can I help?

When determining what to pack for your trip, choose items with the least amount of excess packaging.


Reduce emissions and decrease fuel consumption.

  • Reducing fleet size by 1/3.
  • Building an electric vehicle (EV) charging station.
  • Over 30% of housekeeping / operations carts are now electric.
  • Powering in-park public transportation with propane.
Environmental Sustainability at Asilomar

How can I help?

Consider renting a bike to sightsee around the valley instead of using your car.

We welcome feedback on any of our sustainability initiatives at Yosemite Hospitality, or ideas that any guest may have that we may implement. In addition to the items above, external communications to and from our guests is a key component of our sustainability program.