Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace & Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park strives to preserve the beauty of the park and lake for generations to come. In order to help us achieve that, we have partnered with Leave No Trace to better educate our guests on how they can minimize their footprint at the park. Please take a moment to learn how you can leave No trace! Click here to learn more about Leave No Trace.

Admire Waterfalls

Yosemite is known for its vast meadows and stunning waterfalls. It is extremely important to stick to designated trails and boardwalks so as not to trample any sensitive vegetation, and to obey any signs at water features. Climbing on rocks that may be slippery or trying to cross flowing water where posted not to, can quickly lead to a dangerous situation.

Track your Trash

While on the bus or tram, it is important to keep track of all of your belongings and any snack wrappers you may have. Remember to scan before leaving each stop to make sure you are not leaving any trash behind but instead disposing of it properly in a trash or recycle bin.

While in Transit

Yosemite Valley sees an incredible amount of visitors but only has a finite amount of parking spaces. Plan Ahead and Prepare to get to the park early. Once you find a spot or if you are staying onsite, stay parked and use the free shuttle to move around the park. Consider carpooling or using public transportation to get to the park.

Protect the Wildlife

There is a lot of wildlife that calls Yosemite home, including black bears. Take extra care to Respect Wildlife by obeying all posted speed limits and by properly storing your food, trash and other scented items (sunscreen, bug spray, etc.) when out exploring the park. Food storage lockers are provided at all parking lots and campsites – use them.

Think Before you Snap

With many Instagram-worthy spots at Yosemite, be sure to check out the Leave No Trace Social Media Guidelines before sharing your adventures.

Green National Park Travel Tips

When visiting our National Parks and Forests, one can’t help but be awed by the magnificence of nature it all its glory. It’s up to us to keep it pristine, and every traveler can take steps to do their part when they visit. Read on for our top tips for sustainable travel.

Recycle and Compost

We offer convenient recycling collection bins throughout our operations. Be sure to take the extra steps to dispose of recyclable and compostable items in the proper place.

Shop Local

Many locally produced souvenirs are available at our retail stores. By buying local we not only support our local communities, but the energy costs associated with transporting those goods are reduced. Consider an edible gift to bring an authentic taste of Crater Lake National Park home with you.

Bring a Refillable Water Bottle

Water filling stations are available throughout our locations. Also, once you’ve purchased a reusable your water bottle refills will be free – so you’ll save money while helping the environment. Forgot your water bottle? Check our retail stores for a souvenir water bottle that you’ll use again and again. 

Watch Energy Use

Be sure to make sure that you’ve turned off the devices that use energy when you leave your room – everything from lights to fans to chargers. Closing the curtains will help maintain temperature control in your room while you’re out.

Use Transportation Alternatives

Consider how you are getting around the destination. Utilize transportation alternatives such as shuttles instead of using your own vehicle – this will cut down on traffic as well as emissions. Whenever possible, try to use “human powered” means of getting around too!